4. Original Scientific Paper

The purpose of this study was to describe the morphological characteristics and health related physical fitness in Ethiopian youth sports academy female soccer players. The cross- sectional study design was used. The total of one hundred two youth female soccer players were selected using purposive sampling technique from Ethiopia three youth sports academy. The procedure of the morphological characteristics and health related physical fitness were measured using standard tests such as body height (m), weight (kg), body mass index (kg.m2), waist circumference (cm), thigh circumference (cm), calf circumference (cm), hip circumference (cm), arm span (cm), leg length (cm) and sitting height (cm) was measured and also the physical fitness such as body composition, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility speed and agility. Data were analyzed using Mean ± SD and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and also Pearson product moment correlation was used to examine the relationship between morphological characteristics and health related fitness (HRF) of youth female soccer players. All significance level was set at p < 0.05. The results of the current study can show that youth goalkeepers reviled the higher score than outfield players in Ht, Wt, WC, HC, AS, LL and St.ht, the players with playing positions an ideal BMI was observed. Youth female players have a significance difference in all morphological characteristics between playing position. Youth players health related physical fitness between playing position revealed a significant difference observed only in 1.5 mile run and agility tests. While, there was no significant difference between playing position in BF%, Flexibility, Speed, Abdominal Strength and Endurance, and Arm Strength and Endurance. Morphological characteristics of female players have a significant relationship with health-related physical fitness (Bf%, Flexibility, speed and agility). While there was no significant relationship with 1.5-mile run, Abdominal Strength and Endurance, and Arm strength and endurance.

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