Journal Policy

The journal will uphold the following basic principles for all the concerned parties:

  • The Publishers, authors and the editors will respect mutual privacy.
  • The authors will hold the copyright of their materials which will be published in the journal. It is the result of their intellectual acumen, hard work and efforts over which they have their full rights. The journal only publishes their materials and doesn’t hold copyright of their materials.
  • The reviewers and editors assigned to a manuscript will get a free hand to review and process the papers without any interference from the publishers or any other personnel thus providing them with complete independence.
  • The research ethics require the authors to state the information about the research process, about conflict of interest between the parties concerned, information about research funding, institutional affiliations, etc.
  • The editors, publishers and Editor-in-Chief will not interfere in the process of peer review of the papers thus providing complete independence to the peer review members.
  • The journal will strive hard to publish the original work of the authors. Spurious research will not be entertained and if suspected paper is found, it will be withdrawn from the journal resources. The journal invites comments and information about the authenticity of published papers from any quarters. The journal is committed to help the parties investigating suspected research/papers which may have been published mistakenly. The corrections and withdrawals of papers will be done if detected later on.