5. Original Scientific Paper

Balance difficulties are one of the major causes of altered mobility and functional decline in the elderly. Over the past 20 years, a considerable amount of research has been conducted to determine the relationship between balance control and motor or sensory system function in order to understand the causes of falling and to create effective strategies to prevent falls in elderly people The present study was done to determine the effectiveness of dorsiflexor muscle strengthening using Russian stimulation to improve balance and function in elderly. Motor component of balance was evaluated using two tests, i.e., mPOMA and Functional reach test whereas sensory component of balance was measured using mCTSIB and reaction time. Functional performance was typically assessed by Functional gait assessment test, functional ability in performing ADL (like bathing, toileting) and IADL (like travelling, shopping) tasks. Results of the study suggested that balance and functional status of the elderly improved significantly after eight weeks of dorsiflexor strengthening using Russian currents.

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