7. Review Paper

Adolescence is a period of rapid physical growth and transition between childhood to adulthood and consists of important biological and psychological processes. Adolescents constitute a large share of the global population. Therefore, the overall health and nutrition status remain a major issue in overall growth of a population. Prevalence of undernutrition, anaemia and vitamin deficiencies are persistent problems among adolescents in India. Large population size, improper resource distribution, heterogeneity (in socio-economic positions, demographic and cultural differences) and inaccessibility to adequate healthcare facilities are to the major contributing factors of malnutrition (e.g., undernutrition/overweight-obesity). Current nutritional scenario has shown that while undernutrition remains as an everlasting public health problem, overweight-obesity is emerging as a new challenge in the country. Moreover, last two decades have observed major shifts in socio-economic, demographic and epidemiological levels that increase the overall burden of overweight-obesity in Indian population. This trend of simultaneous existence of undernutrition and overweight-obesity is referred as double burden of malnutrition (DBM). The present paper discusses the nutritional scenario of DBM, cause and consequences, intervention and recommendations regarding DBM among adolescents in India. Moreover, DBM has significant effects on the overall growth and well-being among populations where undernourished adolescents become prone to several communicable and infectious diseases whereas overweight-obesity bears significant risks of different non-communicable diseases (e.g., diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease).

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