8. Original Scientific Paper

In developing countries, nutritional transition is going on, and because of it, dual burden of malnutrition is common phenomenon; which can be defined as co-existence of under and over nutrition. The aim of the present study was to assess the level and extent of undernutrition and obesity among the boys and girls of Hathin block, district Palwal, Haryana. A cross sectional study was conducted on a total of 2558 individuals; consisting of 1284 boys and 1274 girls aged 0 to 20 years. The nutritional status was assessed using anthropometric indicators viz. body weight, height and body mass index (BMI), Z score for weight, Z score for height and Z score for BMI. It was found that 4.8% boys and 4.6% girls
were underweight, 6.8% boys and 6.3% girls were stunting, 3.5% girls and boys were undernourished whereas 1.5% boys and 1.9% girls were overweight, 2.2 % girls and boys were obese. During early childhood underweight (5.6% boys and 7% girls) and stunting (6.9% boys 7% girls) was higher than >5 years of age. Among children below 5 years of age,
a total of 4.4% boys and 3.3% girls were underweight and 6% boys and 6.8% girls were stunting. The study concludes that there is dual burden of malnutrition and it is a serious problem.

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